Commercial policies > End Customers

LUISA VIA ROMA S.p.A. has designed and launched LUISAVIAROMA with the mission of offering a service exclusively dedicated to its own customers.

Items for sale on LUISAVIAROMA are intended for end customers. By “End Customers” LUISA VIA ROMA S.p.A. means individuals acting outside their business or professional activity or a legal entity not devoted to resale of merchandise purchased on LUISAVIAROMA.

LUISA VIA ROMA S.p.A. requires users other from “End Customers” to refrain from seeking to establish business relations with LUISAVIAROMA and from using third-party accounts to place orders on LUISAVIAROMA.

LVR reserves the right to temporarily or indefinitely block with immediate effect and without prior notice any user account found to be engaging in illicit or fraudulent activities. Likewise LVR reserves the right to immediately and without prior notice block an account if abnormal activities are detected on same account, including through use of BOTs or other tools that LVR deems may alter or affect functionality of this website and its services.
In such cases, account blocking will result in the cancellation of any accumulated LVR Privilege points and the cancellation of any orders.

According to this commercial policy, LUISA VIA ROMA S.p.A. reserves the right not to process orders from individuals not acting as End Customers, as well as not to process any orders not compliant to said commercial policies.

Note: In the event of any inconsistency, discrepancy or divergences of interpretation between the English version and any other language versions of this publication, the English language version shall prevail.

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