20mm Replica leather & suede sneakers
€ 690.00
Over the years, seasons, and trends may come and go, but sneakers never go out of style. Whether they are low-top or high-top, covering the ankle, the latest trendy sneakers continue to be a must-have for every woman’s wardrobe. This accessory was born towards the end of the 19th century but made its debut in the fashion world in the 1950s when it became a symbol of a generation engaged in breaking conventions and social norms.
Emblematic of the concept of youthful freedom and rebellion, sneakers began their ascent in the fashion world, being reinvented in form, color, materials, and revisited by the best brands of every era. Today, low-top sneakers are not only a symbol of comfort but also versatility. Many designers on the runway dare to pair glamorous outfits with a pair of sneakers.
For example, the designer Giorgio Armani elevated sneakers to a high fashion accessory by pairing them with formal dresses, tuxedos, and special occasion attire. They are paired with both short and long dresses, skirts of every length, denim or pants in a variety of textiles, worn with blazers, trench coats, and leather jackets. The latest trends feature sneakers with wedges or platform soles, models that, in addition to their undisputed comfort, help elongate the silhouette for every woman.
€ 690.00
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€ 330.00